why “logos”?

The guiding principle of the Logos Tutoring Program is centered within the enchanting and ancient Greek word “Logos”. It has been translated as speech, reason, account, counting, ground, plea, proportion, discourse, gathering, ratio, word, plan, principle.​ The preeminent Greek-English lexicon Liddell-Scott describes it as “that by which the inward thought is expressed.” Logos is the Greek word in the Gospel of John that English-speakers translate as “Word,” in reference to Jesus, who is described as the Logos embodied. Logos is the foundational logic behind any good argument. It is the unifying principle which animates and rules the cosmos. It is that by which we live and move and have our being. It is the Tao. It is the divine spark that resides in every human. Logos is before all things and by it all things hold together.

Logos is indissolubly connected to language and story. The capacity for man to use language is divine. In light of that fact, one of the most important elements of the Logos Tutoring Program is engagement in truthful speech; that is, to use our speech, both written and oral, to speak truth in love. To that end, truthful and brave dialogue is perhaps the essential element of the Program. The Program, in short, is trying to help the boys tap into the Logos that is both within and without.

If a young man becomes a master of language, and if this mastery submits to love, then he becomes ​competent​ enough to take on any problem, ​strong​ enough to pick up the heaviest load he can carry and walk forward, ​brave​ enough to get kicked in the teeth by the world and stand up again, ​and compassionate​ enough to lay down his life for his friends.

Where do Tutorial and Hillwood take place?

Parents and tutors together decide the time and place of Tutorials, while the two outdoor days are at Hillwood on Mondays from 1:30-5:30pm and Fridays from 9am-1pm.

Hillwood is about 30 minutes south of downtown Chattanooga, TN.

How much time per week is required for the students?

The Program runs for a full school-calendar year (August to May).

Class-time works out to be 9 hrs per week (1 hr for Tutorial, 8 hrs for the outdoors portion).

The at-home time depends almost completely on the student and his family. The Tutors work directly with each family to ensure that their son is growing within his zone of proximal development.

What is the Tuition?

Tuition is $6,000 per year (August - May).

Why is it only for boys?

There is great value in both coed and single-sex education. This Program emphasizes the latter not because it is superior in all manners to coed education, but simply because it is good on its own merits.

What is the Age range?

Currently, the Program serves around 25 middle-school and high-school boys.

How can I get more information?

If you are interested in enrollment, dates, or anything else, reach out to Hunt at hunt.davidson@gmail.com.

How can I support the Program?

You can support the Logos Tutoring Program with a tax-deductible gift by making a donation on our “Give” page.